1. The story of this video is of a teenage character in school, wearing headphones, who whilst walking down a corridor is closely followed by a female student. The male student then has his headphones unplugged whilst walking though doors and this causes him to be unaware of his surroundings. Then the female student who is also distracted opens the doors and hits the other student with the door unintentionally. She instantly feels regret and helps him up.
2. To create 'narrative flow'/continuity we used similar shot types throughout all our 6 shots; we primarily chose long shots and medium shots. We also attempted to ensure our characters started each shot in the same position they ended the previous one as well as ensuring all props stayed in the same place in every shot in order to avoid the audience becoming confused, i.e. we were trying to make sure the logic of our video was sound.
3. I do not think we achieved full continuity because in some shots the character would have standing starts even though they were clearly moving in the previous one, furthermore, sometimes the characters would start a shot in a different position to the one they ended the previous one in. In addition to this most of our shots shared very similar framing which in turn created jump cuts; I believe this occurred due to us breaking the 30 degree rule.
4. In hindsight, I would have preferably made a storyboard prior to filming the scene as this would have enabled us to have had a better idea of what we wanted to achieve with our shots whilst filming. Hence, I think that our narrative flow would have been vastly improved and therefore have helped us achieve full continuity. The final change I would have made is making the male character not fall to the floor after being hit by the door as this reaction was unrealistic and therefore goes against logic.